International Scientific Conference: ECONOMY, FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD. 22/09/2022
WSB University in Poznan, Faculty in Chorzów,
PI Institute of Regional Research M.I. Doliszniego NAN in Ukraine,
Częstochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Department of Finance, Banking and Accounting,
University of Rzeszów, Institute of Economics and Finance, Department of Economics and Management,
Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Management
are pleased to invite to the next – 12th edition of the Chorzowska International Conference of Banking and Finance: ECONOMY, FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD
on September 22, 2022 - this year in the hybrid formula.
More information - HERE.

The main thematic problems (especially undertaken in the context of consequences of the armed conflict in Ukraine):
- Real economy entities in the conditions of economic imbalance
- The real sector of the economy in conditions of uncertainty
- Economic security as a component of the quality of life and human capital development in conditions of global instability - regional and local dimension
- Regional and local development in conditions of economic turbulence;
- The financial sector in conditions of uncertainty
- The monetary policy of the NBP versus the monetary policy of the ECB and the FED
- Investment risk in conditions of an ineffective monetary policy of the NBP
- Finance and accounting in the face of new challenges (inflation, risk, etc.)
- Taxes and other public and legal burdens in conditions of instability
- Finance of enterprises and institutions in the value network
- Financial innovation for enterprises and the public sector
- Behavioral Finance
- Finance and management in public organizations,
- Contemporary problems in the functioning of local government
- Creating the value of enterprises and regions in conditions of instability
- Healthcare management and finance
- Managing a hybrid enterprise - new challenges
- Business virtualization - prospects and threats

Registration by REGISTRATION FORM no later than 18/09/2022.
The conference will be held in the hybrid formula - a meeting in the building of the WSB University in Chorzów, broadcast online. Registered participants will receive an individual link to the video meeting.
The regular cost of participation is PLN 300 and includes publication costs.
Passive participation is free of charge
Payment details:
IBAN: PL 45 1020 4027 0000 1902 1280 5992
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu
ul. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 5
61-895 Poznań
In payment of: CHKBiF-12
Articles sent to the conference on the volume of max. 21,000 characters, after obtaining a positive review, will be published in:
Post-conference monograph (Editorial requirements are available at:… );
WSB Scientific Papers in Poznan (Editorial requirements are available at: );
Scientific and Practical Journal Regional Economy (Editorial requirements available at: );
Journal Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine (Editorial requirements available at: )
Articles complying with the editorial requirements should be sent by e-mail to the following address:
Please send all inquiries to the e-mail address: