The pandemic has changed a lot in each of our lives. Many of us are Relationship Limitations and Social Limitations. It is the knowledge that allowed you to give up, because of the likely recurrence of the pandemic, but even more so for similar counter-possibilities. It is this initiative from around the world that I will be talking about at the Pandemic as a catalyst for change conference

When? Where?
Format: on-line
Data: June 29, 2022.
Time: 9:00-16:00 Central European Time
The conference will be conducted entirely in English
About the conference
The time of COVID-19 has accelerated many processes that have matured in recent years in both societies and organizations. There are also new ones, specific to this pandemic, which - for the first time in history - was experienced by the whole world. Individual and collective feelings of threat and insecurity have increased. Many people have redefined their relationships, both close and social. Many countries have spent huge amounts of money to buffer negative phenomena, especially in the labor market. More than ever new technologies were used in the service sectors - from health to sales -, in communication or education. Hybrid or completely remote work has often become a standard. It is worth looking at the lessons to be learned from the pandemic for individuals, societies, and organizations. It has been a multi-dimensional transformational experience, the understanding of which is important in itself, but also as a resource for the course of new pandemic waves, which are expected not only by pessimistic futurologists.
Conference programme
Piotr Olaf Żylicz (WSB University, Warsaw, Poland) - Welcome Speech
Session 1: Higher Education Has Been Ill under COVID-19?
Students’ Experiences and Learning of Students: A Multicultural Perspective
Dunia Harajli (Lebanese American University, Lebanon)
Bart F. Norré (Stenorohm GmbH / School of Management Fribourg, Switzerland)
Teaching Challenges and Lessons Learned
Krzysztof Koj (WSB University Chorzów, Poland)
Management of Digital University
Łukasz Sułkowski (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
Higher Education under COVID: Experiences and Lessons from Kenya
Ben Ngoye (Strathmore University Nairobi, Kenya)
David Mathuva (Strathmore University Nairobi, Kenya)
Moses Nyangu (Strathmore University Nairobi, Kenya)
Panel run bay Krzysztof Koj: Emerging Trends in Teaching
Vartika Dutta (IIM Amritsar, India)
Gil Bozer (Sapir College, Israel)
Ryszard Sowiński (WSB University Ponań, Poland)
Session 2: Lonely Crowd: Pandemic Social and Individual Experiences
Between Despair and Hope
Rafał Ohme (NEUROHM / WSB Warsaw, Poland)
Monika Raykowska (NEUROHM, Poland)
Asian Societies and COVID – 19
Piotr Ostaszewski (Ambassdor of Poland to S. Korea, Poland)
The Impact of National Cultures on Pandemic Response
Karolina Julia Helnarska (Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, Poland)
Social Changes in the Post Covid World
Agnieszka Wójcik - Czerniawska (SGH Warsaw School of Economics Warsaw, Poland),
Grzegorz Maśloch (SGH Warsaw School of Economics Warsaw, Poland),
Andrea Rey (University of Naples Federico II, Italy),
Naglaa Fathy El Dessouky (University of Bahrain)
Technology Supported Society: Virtual Tools
Piotr Maśloch (War Studies University, WSB Warsaw, Poland)
Dorota Kurek (War Studies University, Poland)
Session 3: Managing Business under Pandemic Fire
From Crisis to Crisis – Longitudinal Research on Executives
Krzysztof Tarka (Managing Partner, TARKA EXECUTIVE’S, Poland)
Post-Covid World Economy
Witold Orłowski (Warsaw University of Technology Business School/PwC, Poland)
Production and Logistics Transformed under COVID – Chilean Experiences
Guillermo Schafeld Graniffo (Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Chile)
Holistic Management of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jan Solarz (WSB University, Warsaw)
15:00 - 15:30
Panel run bay Andrzej Blikle: The New Post COVID Normality?
Przemysław Powalacz (CEO Geberit, Poland),
Rostislav Benak (Assessment Systems, CEE),
Krzysztof Księżopolski (SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland)
Piotr Olaf Żylicz (WSB University, Warsaw, Poland)
If you have any questions about the event, write to us at the following e-mail address:
Piotr Olaf Żylicz is a Polish psychologist, a rector and profesor at WSB University in Warsaw. For over 20 years he combines academic research and writing (incl. moral psychology, coaching, and leadership) with consulting coaching. He used to teach for years oragnizational behavior, leadership,and business ethics for MBA students in Poland, India, Hungary and Ukraine.
Rostislav Benák is an executive coach since 1999. In 2007 he became an Accredited Professional Coach, by today with 4000+ coaching hours and coachees of 30+ different nationalities. Rosta delivered coaching and leadership development programs in over 30 countries and is respected for his international experience as well as academic degrees in Finance, Psychology, Corporate Economy and Management from Charles University, University of Economics in Prague, and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. In 2001 he founded Assessment Systems, the human capital advisory company, and lead its growth into 10 countries. In 2004 he co-founded Czech Coaching Association and for seven years served as a member of its leadership team.
Andrzej Blikle is a full professor at the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a member of the European Academy of Sciences (Academia Europaea), an honorary member and former president of the Polish Information Technology Society, and a member of over 20 other organizations. In 2011, he was awarded the title of "Quality Man of the Year 2010" by the Congress of Polish Quality Managers ISO POLAND 2011.
Gil Bozer is a workplace coaching researcher, author, senior lecturer at Sapir College (Israel), and consultant. Gil’s areas of expertise include workplace coaching, talent development, and executive succession. Gil had taught in Executive Education, MBA, DBA, Ph.D., and corporate training. Gil’s pioneering research into workplace coaching effectiveness offers valuable insights and implications to both practitioners and scholars and has contributed to the quality and rigor of coaching as an evidence-based profession.
Naglaa Fathy El Dessouky is a Full Professor in Sadat Academy for Management Sciences, Faculty of Management Sciences, Public Administration Department, Cairo, Egypt. Currently, she is affiliated with University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain. She has a vast twenty years of experience, working in different international programs as professor and researcher, e.g. Adjunct Professor Environmental Policy Institute Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada, Adjunct and Visiting Professor University of Ottawa Canada, Researcher Faculty of Political Sciences McGill University, Canada, Visiting Professor Senghor University Egypt and currently affiliated with University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Vartika Dutta is an Assistant Professor in the area of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OB & HR) at the Indian Institute of Management Amritsar, India. She has rich work experience in training and consulting and has held significant positions in the training and development vertical of reputed financial and skill development firms. She has conducted numerous management development programs and workshops for the working executives in the area of leadership, understanding and managing self and managing and retaining talent in turbulent times and persuasive communication.
Guillermo Schafeld Graniffo is Full Professor at School of Engineering and Director of the Master in Operations Management, Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile). He graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso as Biochemical Engineer and from Massachusetts Institute of Technology as Master of Science in Food Science and Technology. He also holds Diploma in Pedagogy and Psychology for Higher Education, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile, 2008.
Dunia Harajli is an Assistant Professor of Practice. She teaches Neuromarketing, Cognitive Analytics, Business Communication and Civic Engagement. She joined LAU in 2008. Dr. Harajli is an active member in the Neuromarketing Science Business association (NMSBA). She is also a member of the European Marketing Association (EMA) and the Academy of Management (AOM). Her research interests include consumer neuroscience, consumer behavior, business ethics education, empathy at work, and workplace spirituality. A certified emotional intelligence trainer (MSCEIT-Yale), she has been incorporating EI in an array of business courses and researching consumer decision-making, economic anxiety, stressful life events, employee well-being and spirituality at work. Her latest research projects with “Neurohm” include Reaction Time Testing (RTT) which measures emotions (nonconscious processing) related to COVID-19 & the Beirut Explosion. Last, her volunteering with the UNDP on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) led to her continuous involvement in many social initiatives.
Karolina Julia Helnarska holds a post-doctoral degree in social sciences in the field of security sciences. She graduated from the Institute of International Relations at the University of Warsaw. She also completed a postgraduate programme in journalism and social communication at the University of Warsaw. She is an expert at the National Centre for Research and Development. Her research interest is focused on the foreign and security policy of France, cross-culltural dimension: the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union. She has authored several books, the most important being: The foreign policy of France towards Central Europe after the Cold War (2008); From the European Defence Community to the European Defence Agency (2009); Cultural factor in French foreign affairs (2013); Evolution of the positions of Poland and France in the domains of security and defence (2017); numerous articles and R&D projects.
Krzysztof Księżopolski is a researcher specializing in economic security, energy policy and energy security. He is an assistant professor in Warsaw School of Economics. Since 2020 he has been the Head of Polish in the project Energy Security in the Era of Hybrid Warfare conducted by NATO STO. In 2019 he was a member of the Advisory Commission appointed the Head of the Energy Regulatory Office And since 2020 he has been a member of the Council for State Treasury appointed by The Prime Minister which gives opinions on all candidates for Supervisory Boards of State-owned companies
Krzysztof Koj economist, manager, business trainer and consultant. An experienced lecturer and instructor based on passion, knowledge, and expertise. Business trainer, specializing in negotiation strategies, tactics, and techniques, providing training based on intensive, interactive methods. Moderator and facilitator. Advisor in political debates tactics, interpersonal communication skills for disputes, verbal and non-verbal techniques and public speaking. Dean of the Chorzow Faculty of WSB University in Poznan. Academic Director of the MBA programs. Lecturer specializing in Economics, International Business, International Economic Relations and International Business Negotiation. Adjunct Faculty at Franklin University (Columbus, Ohio, USA). Visiting professor at the Modern College of Business and Science (Muscat, Sultanate of Oman). Honorary Member of the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice (Poland). Holder of the Silver Badge of Merit for the Development of Silesia Province. Holder of The Graduate Robert L. Bailey Teaching Award (honor date March 2018), issued by Franklin University. The author of about 40 scientific publications on international economic relations, European integration, and negotiations. Professional experience since 1994.
Dorota Kurek is an academic teacher at War Studies University in Warsaw. She has a doctoral degree in social sciences in the discipline of defence, in the field of management of public institutions. She conducts classes for bachelor, master, doctoral, and MBA students in Polish and English. She conducts classes also for Erasmus+ students. Her current scientific research interests focus on human resource management as well as leadership and employer branding. She is an author of more than 50 articles and chapters devoted to HRM, leadership, and employer branding.
Grzegorz Maśloch the assistant professor at the Department of Economics and Finance of the Local Government at the Warsaw School of Economics. Head of postgraduate studies: Studies of Local Government Managers of the Warsaw School of Economics and Postgraduate Studies of Waste Management at the Warsaw School of Economics. The main field of research interest is the issues of strategic management and investment projects implemented in renewable energy, the issues of innovative pro-ecological solutions and energy efficiency.
Piotr Maśloch is a Professor at Was Studies University in Warsaw and at WSB University in Warsaw. Prof. Piotr Maśloch is an officer of the Polish Army and Dean's Representative for EU projects. He is an author and manager of international projects (co-financed from EU funds) in the field of new technologies and modern education. He is an active teacher and researcher. His research interest and expertise focuses on management, sustainability, and environmental impact. He is a reviewer of scientific publications of the best Polish Universities and international publishing houses and an author and co-author of more than 100 publications in international journals, articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings.
Moses Nyangu is a researcher, consultant, and lecturer in development finance at Strathmore University Business School. He holds a PhD in Development Finance from University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa. His PhD thesis was titled: “The Dynamics of Bank Concentration and Competition on Efficiency and Risk-taking Behaviour among Banks in the East African Community”. He has a Master of Commerce - Finance specialization from Strathmore University, and a first-class degree in Bachelor of Arts (Economics with IT) from Maseno University, Kenya. He is a member to a number of professional bodies which include: Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK), International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD), African Accounting and Finance Association (AAFA), and Economic Society of South Africa (ESSA).
David Mathuva is a Senior Lecturer and Director, Undergraduate Programmes at Strathmore University Business School (SBS). David also serves as the Academic Director (MSc. Development Finance) at SBS. He holds a PhD in Business Administration (Accounting and Finance). David is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya. Previously, David worked at KPMG Kenya in the Risk Consulting department. David has taught for over 13 years at both academic, professional, and corporate/executive levels and has published 19 research articles in peer-reviewed and well-rated journals. He serves in the Editorial Boards of Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, Emerging Markets Case Studies and the African Accounting and Finance Journal. He is also the VP-Africa representative in the InSPiR2eS global network. His research interests are on the interlinks between Accounting and Financial Markets.
Ben Ngoye is a Senior Lecturer and Faculty of the Institute of Healthcare Management. He also serves as the Faculty Director, Strathmore University Business School, and Academic Director for various programs. Ben holds a PhD in Management Sciences from ESADE/Universitat Ramon Llull, and master’s degrees in Research (ESADE), Organizational Development (USIU-A) and Public Health (UOL/LSTMH). His research and teaching interests are in the areas of Strategy, OB and Decision-making within the Health and Public Sectors.
Bart F. Norré is an associate professor at the School of Management of Fribourg at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland. He teaches Neuromarketing, Strategic Management, and International Management. His research interests include cross-cultural analysis, branding, consumer neuroscience, consumer behavior, and company culture. Prof. Norré is a pioneer member and former ambassador for Switzerland of the NMSBA and is NLP (neurolinguistic programming) practitioner. Bart is the founder and owner of the Neuromarketing Consulting Company TM Tandem Marketing and cofounder of Stenorohm, a neuro-app development company.
Rafal Ohme expert in the field of emotions, infotainer. Worldwide pioneer in applied neuroscience. For the past 20 years, he has been conducting research and consulting on emotions in communication and management.
Professor at the WSB University in Warsaw and at the Business School of the Stellenbosh University in Cape Town (South Africa). For years associated with the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, UMCS & SWPS Universities (Poland), and Renmin University in Beijing (China). A Fulbright scholar, the winner of awards of the President and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, finalist of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2015.
Witold Maciej Orłowski is a Polish professor of economics. He was a director of the Warsaw University of Technology Business School, Member of the Prime Minister’s Economic Council, and a rector Vistula University. He acts as Chief Economic Adviser for PwC in Poland. In 2011 he was appointed Special Adviser (budget) to the European Comission. Prof. Orłowski is a renowned author of long series of books on economy in social and historical context.
Piotr Ostaszewski graduated in history from the University of Warsaw. In the years 1993–1994 he was a scholarship holder of The Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, and then at the Woodrow Wilson Center Cold War International History Project. In the years 1990–2000 he worked at the American Studies Center of the University of Warsaw, where he created the American studies program. He was awarded the title of professor in 2013. He deals with international political relations. He is the author of scientific publications on political science, US history and post-war history of conflicts in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.Prof. Ostaszewski is the Polish Ambassador to South Korea.
Przemysław Powalacz President of the Management Board of Geberit since 2015. Responsible for the Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Kazakhstan markets in the concern. In the years 2008-2015, President of the Management Board of Sanitec Koło and Senior Vice President of the Sanitec Group responsible for the CEE region, also Russia and Ukraine. He started his career in 1997 in the services and marketing consulting sector, first in Poland, then in Germany.
For several years, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Union of Employers of Producers of Materials for Construction at Lewiatan, member of the Advisory Board at the International Management Center of the University of Warsaw. He conducts individual mentoring practices in the area of leadership, strategy and management. A graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and the MBA program of the UW & University of Illinois. He also completed several managerial programs, incl. at INSEAD, London Business School and Harvard Business School.
Andrea Rey Rey received the Ph.D. degree in Management from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy. Andrea is an asssistant Professor in Accounting at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy), where he teaches “Startup Valuation”. He was Visiting scholar at the Universidad de Murcia (Spain) and at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain). Andrea is the author of numerous publications on accounting, sustainable governance, and business valuation. Finally, he is a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) from 2015.
Jan Solarz is a full professor of personal finance at WSB in Warsaw, Poland. Autor of numerous books on national style of management, comparative finanse and risk ( reputational nad systemic) management. Retired Adviser of Governer of National Bank of Poland.
Ryszard Sowiński, prof. WSB is a Rector at the WSB University in Poznań. He is an associate professor of law and renowned expert in the field of management of law offices. At WSB University he is a leader of introdcing advanced technology-based new models of teaching. He is a supervisory board member at AUXILIA.
Lukasz Sulkowski - full professor of economics and humanities. Chair of HEI’s Management Department of the Jagiellonian University (Poland). President of Public Consulting Group Poland (PCG Polska Sp. z o.o.). Member and Vice-president of Polish Accreditation Committee (2014-1019). Lukasz Sulkowski is participant of several professional, international associations: Reseau PGV (steering committee), IFERA, EURAM, AofM. Since 2008 – the editor-in-chief of the quarterly ‘Journal of Intercultural Management’. Author of ca. 400 publications and 20 books. He was the main investigator of 20 research projects. Holds numerous awards from the Rector of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Clark University and University of Social Sciences. His main research interests are: HEI management, critical management studies, epistemology and methodology of management, the development of human resources, organizational culture, intercultural management, family entreprises.
Krzysztof Tarka Founder and Managing Partner of TARKA EXECUTIVE’S, trusted advisors of management boards, partners, and owner families, who support business transformation, organizational development and managing key people. Krzysztof presents 25-year+ experience in advisory, research, and education of top decision makers at NGOs, government institutions, and commercial organisations. He is an initiator and leader of TARKA EXECUTIVE’S studies: Business-People Research™, TES PROBE™ Management around Coronavirus, Brand Pride™ and Power Shift™. Krzysztof received Master’s Degree in Organisational and Industrial Psychology at University of Warsaw, studied Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution at Institute of Applied Social Sciences at University of Warsaw, and Power and Organisations at PhD Studies at Graduate School for Social Research of Polish Academy of Sciences. Prior to founding Tarka Executive’s and TES Change, Krzysztof was a Practice Manager of Hay Insight/ Hay McBer at HayGroup (now Korn Ferry), owner and Managing Consultant at MAIN, and Business Leader of Human Capital Advisory Services and Board Member at Mercer (MMC). He is one of the co-founders of Civil Society Development Foundation.
Agnieszka Wójcik-Czerniawska, Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) The PhD of economics, MBA in spanish- ICEX-CECO (El Centro de Estudios Económicos y Comerciales, actualmente de ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones,) Madryt. Visiting Professor at foreign universities, including: - Universidad de Pacifico- Lima Peru -Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain), -Universidad de Alicante (Spain) -Stathmore University in Nairobi (Kenya)- Universidad de Malaga ( Spain), Universita degli studi di Foggia (Italy). The area of research are connected with: modern finance, finance technology, digital currency, financial isolation.