Diagnosis of the scale and the impact of the dominance of the main industry in the areas of economic monoculture of mining regions
The conducted research concerned the economic and sociological consequences of the economic monoculture in mining regions based on the case of KGHM PM SA [Copper Mining and Smeltery Corporation]. The research results were the basis for the conceptual work at KGHM and in local governments.

In debt – a project analyzing the level of indebtedness among Poles
In debt is a project carried out by the WSB University in Wroclaw in cooperation with the KRUK Group. The project was aimed at increasing the financial awareness of Poles through a social campaign and a dedicated online tool.

Solutions for organizations managing tourist destination areas as a result of socio-economic changes
The conducted research allowed for the development and implementation of particular solutions for the development of tourism, including those related to tourism development planning, crisis management, modification and extension of the business profile

A tool for assessing the competitiveness of management of maritime economy entities
An innovative tool for researching the competitiveness of seaports based on their logistic potential.

Research on the scale and structure of the phenomenon of insurance fraud
Many years of research carried out with the Polish Chamber of Insurance, aimed at estimating the scale of crime in the insurance industry and examining trends and patterns of fraud.

An econometric and decision-making model for minimizing average losses and forecasting demand in the clothing industry
The essence of the developed model is the possibility to determine the optimal order quantity for a given product.

Model of effective management of railway transport safety
Longitudinal studies conducted by Professor Adam Jabłoński and Professor Marek Jabłoński were aimed at building a new theory concerning safety management in rail transport.

“Warta Klasyki” – car insurance dedicated to owners of vintage vehicles
Standard insurance products cannot be used for risk assessment, valuation and protection of vintage cars. The project describes the cooperation in the development of a new type of insurance product for vintage cars