The WSB University in Poznań is organising Władysław Bukietyński’s 39th National Scientific Conference: Methods and applications of operational research – MZBO 2020.

The aim of the conference is to give theoreticians and practitioners a forum for the exchange of ideas about the recent achievements in the methodology and modern applications of operational research in economics, finance and management.


Each year it is organised by a different academic centre studying these matters. The Operational Research Section of the PAN Committee of Statistics and Econometrics entrusted the centre in Poznań with organising the MZBO 2020.

The conference is held under the honorary patronage of the Rector of the WSB University in Poznań, professor dr hab. Józef Orczyk, and the patronage of the Committee of Statistics and Econometrics of the Polish Academy of Science. The organisational committee is headed by dr Anna Łyczkowska-Hanćkowiak from the Institute of Finance of the WSB University in Poznań.

All information about the MZBO 2020 conference may be found on:  mzbo2020

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