Sptokanie wykład konferencja uczniowie conference lectures university

Conferences and courses

The Research Federation of WSB & DSW Universities and its associated universities organise cyclical meetings of research employees, scientific conferences, courses and workshops. The meetings provide an opportunity to exchange ideas, create research teams, integrate the universities and achieve the synergy of their scientific potential.

Science Forum

Every year the TEB Akademia group and, since 2019, the Research Federation of WSB & DSW Universities, organise the Science Forum.


The Science Forum is a meeting of the research and didactic authorities of all member and associate universities, the chief staff of the Federation as well as its research and administrative employees. The Forum consists of panel sessions, workshops for particular thematic groups and courses. Each year it brings together over a hundred participants. So far, two Science Forums have been organised, and the next one is planned for 2020.

Conferences organised by member and associate universities

In addition to the above meetings organised by the Research Federation of WSB & DSW Universities, the universities organise other meetings and conferences.


Meetings of research employees

The Federation organises meetings of research employees representing particular disciplines, during which they present their current scientific activities, work in research teams and develop development strategies for their disciplines.


Moreover, as part of the meetings, the Federation organises courses on publishing, research commercialisation as well as obtaining and implementing scientific grants, and presents good practices in increasing scientific output.