The list of documents for candidates

The list of documents for candidates for first-cycle studies and Master’s programs applicable in the summer recruitment for the academic year 2024/2025:


We will send the below documents to the candidate to the email address provided during the online registration and its confirmation.

1. personal details form enclosing an application for studies

2. an oath

3. an agreement in 2 copies (each page initialled and signed in designated places legillibly, which means your full name and last name in one row) if you enrolled at our university using English form, do not forget to submit an agreement in both English and Polish.

The documents that the candidate provides:

  1. 1. A photocopy of a document used as the basis for admission to studies in Poland including a supplement – legalized or affixed with apostille In accordance with admission principles valid for a particular academic year, an original copy for inspection (or a copy of the document whose compliance with the original has been confirmed pursuant to the Polish regulations)

    2. A document confirming proficiency in the language of studies or a statement declaring proficiency in the language of studies (an original copy for inspection) or the original statement of proficiency in the language of studies

    3. As regards minors: a statement of a parent/ a legal guardian – giving consent to taking up studies at WSB Merito University and signing an Agreement on educational services

    4. A photocopy of a Pole’s Card, a Residence Card, a document confirming Polish origins If an Applicant has (the original for inspection); compliance of the photocopy with the original attested by the Partner after completion of the admission process the photocopy will be destroyed.

    5. A proof of paying an admission fee (if applicable) Pursuant to the Agreement on providing educational services and the Rules of Payments for a particular year. 


    6. A photo copy of passport/ an ID card Page with a photo; compliance of the photocopy with the original attested by the Partner – after completion of the admission process the photocopy will be destroyed; in case of dual citizenship and two passports please select and use one; the original for inspection.


    7. 1 colour photo compliant with photos requirements for passports - 35 mm x 45 mm

Verification of education (diplomas and certificates)

The University may require the following documents from the Candidate:

1. A photo copy of a certified translation into Polish drawn up by a sworn translator or any other body authorised to draw up or certify translations of certificates or similar documents into Polish according to the Polish law, of documents constituting the basis for admission to studies including a supplement legalized or affixed with an apostille. The original for inspection; the list of sworn translators on


2. The administration decision issued by an Education Officer confirming entitlement to seek admission to studies If the University requires it under the procedure of admission to undergraduate studies and one-tier MA studies.


3. Information in writing about a diploma provided by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange confirming entitlement to seek admission to studies If the University requires it under the procedure of admission to graduate studies.


4. A marriage certificate, an administration decision as regards changing the name or the surname or a relevant court decision For inspection; it also concerns changes of a name or surname on any of the documents submitted in the admission process.