On September 30, 2020, was completed the consolidation process of two non-public universities - the WSB University of Philology in Wrocław and the WSB University in Wrocław. Both universities had combined their scientific achievements, organizational knowledge and research and didactic empleyees. Thanks to the consolidation process, the WSB University in Wrocław extended its offer of studies, mainly in the field of linguistic sciences.


The School of Banking in Wrocław had been the founder of the College of Philology in Wrocław since 2016. Both universities became partner institutions and the consolidation activities carried out were aimed at standardizing and strengthening the functioning processes.


    "Connecting two universities is never easy, especially when they operate in slightly different areas. WSB is a business university, while WSF educated students in the field of linguistics. It is an obvious difficulty, but also an incentive to use the synergy effect when good practices from both areas can be used to improve teaching and research processes "


- says prof. dr hab. Eng. Jacek Mercik, Rector of the WSB University in Wrocław.

You can read the full description of the process and the effects of its implementation in the following article: Consolidation of two non-public universities in Wrocław

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