We are pleased to inform that dr hab. inż. Adam Jabłoński, WSB professor, and dr hab. inż. Marek Jabłoński, WSB professor – president and vice-president of OTTIMA plus sp. z o.o. and lecturers at the Brach Department in Chorzów of the WSB University in Poznań – were awarded special mentions in the contest “Safety Culture in Rail Transport 2019” organised by the Office of Rail Transport.

Professor Adam and Marek Jabłoński received the prestigious award for the scientific monograph on the mechanisms of effective safety management in rail transport (“Mechanizmy efektywnego zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w transporcie kolejowym”).

The award ceremony was held during the 4th Gala of the Safety Culture Contest in the lecture hall of the Warsaw University of Technology.

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