Welcome to the student community of WSB Merito University in Wrocław!
Health Insurance and Personal Accidence Insurance
Detailed information on health insurance can be found on the Extranet in the tab
"Dean's Office -> Bulletin Board". There is a possibility of taking out a personal accident insurance. Relevant information is on the Extranet under the tab "Dean's Office -> Personal accident insurance".
If you are interested in health insurance provided through the University, please contact the Human Resources and Payroll Department, which works from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 15:00, phone number: 71 356 16 29, e-mail: insurance@wsb.wroclaw.pl
Important information about insurance for foreign nationals!
Health insurance or a confirmation of the insurer's coverage of medical expenses is required not only during the entry and application for a temporary and permit residece card, but also during the whole stay of the foreigner in Poland.
If you do not have the citizenship of a Member State of the EU/EFTA countries, nor the right to legally reside on the territory of an EU/EFTA country other than the Republic of Poland, nor are you subject to compulsory health insurance on the territory of the Republic of Poland or in another EU/EFTA country (e.g. compulsory insurance for an employed person, the right to report as a family member of the insured person, etc.), then you voluntarily insure yourself, e.g. in the National Health Fund (NFZ), before that, you should order a certificate of student status from the Dean's Office.
Where to take out insurance: DOW NFZ Insurance Service Centre in Wrocław, ul. Dawida 2, room 121, phone: 71 7979 133 and 71 7979 131, www.nfz.gov.pl/dla-pacjenta/zalatw-sprawe-krok-po-kroku/jak-ubezpieczyc…
Remember! If you are not insured, your temporary or permit residence card may be withdrawn, which means that you have to leave the country. Failure to leave Poland despite the withdrawal of the temporary or permit residence card, results in the foreigner's obligation to return, combined with a ban on re-entry for at least 6 months.
When taking out insurance with other insurance institutions, one should pay attention whether the insurance conditions also cover hospitalization. With such insurance, you should also remember that it is you, as a student, who must cover the costs of treatment, and then the insurer will reimburse you for the expenses incurred, as opposed to an agreement directly with the NFZ, where the form of settlement is non-cash.
You can find the contact to individual departments of the University at www.merito.pl/wroclaw/kontakt, on the Extranet under the Contacts tab, and on the English language extranet under the Contacts tab.
Access to the Extranet and a student's file number
Since mid-September each new student will be provided through an email with:
- A student's file number that denotes an individual number for each student used for identification at University)
- The information about access to the Extranet (an internal website that we have created to make your contact with the university as quick and hassle-free as possible)
How do I log in to the Extranet?
1. Go to:
2. Log in using the individual login you received from us in an email when you started your studies.
3. Use the password you set when you first logged in.
Need help? Contact us: admin@wroclaw.merito.pl
If you are a graduate of a first degree programme at WSB Merito University and are continuing your studies in a second degree programme, your album number and the way you log in to the Extranet does not change.
Schedule of class sessions
The schedule for the entire year will be available as of September on the Extranet.
„Class schedule -> Term schedule” – the Excel sheet plans for the entire year can be accessed a week before the first classes.
There you can also check the details of the first class session in an Excel file: "Information for the first year - first class session"
"Schedule of classes -> Schedule of class sessions" - you will find there dates of class sessions for the entire academic year.
"Class schedule -> My class schedule" - there you will find a customized schedule for the student.
To see the plan you must be assigned to a group by the Dean's Office.
The plan will always be visible two days before the scheduled activity.
On the timetable, in the "Notes" field at each class you will find special markings (e.g. Moodle-R, Moodle-N, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Teams, VDI), which will inform you about running these classes in the event of remote learning.
Remote teaching
If necessary, we are ready for it! Remember that you will find all the details on the Extranet and additionally on www.merito.pl/wroclaw/strefa-studenta, and www.merito.pl/english/wroclaw/student-zone
We conduct remote classes making use of the three solutions:
- Microsoft Teams with Microsoft 365 package
- Moodle e-learning platform
- VDI - Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Free Microsoft 365 for our Students
All students at our University have the opportunity to download the latest version of Microsoft 356 free of charge as part of the Microsoft 365 A3 subscription for students. This package can be used for the entire period of study. You get access to the latest version of the application: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and, above all, MS Teams, used on a large scale in remote teaching at the University.
To install it:
- go to Microsoft 365: portal.office.com
- Please, log in in the following way:
Login: loginextranet@student.wsb.wroclaw.pl (login to Extranet will be sent in the e-mail beginning with the prefix wrxyyyy)
Password: it will be sent to a private e-mail address
If you have any questions or problems concerning the installation or Student Auditors/Free Listeners, please contact: admin365@wsb.wroclaw.pl
Detailed information on: www.merito.pl/english/wroclaw/free-microsoft-365-for-our-students
The Educational Platform Moodle
Some of the remote classes in WSB University in Wrocław are carried out through the Moodle platform. Moodle is a remote learning environment using ICT networks, available through a web browser in any place with Intenret access. You enter Moodle after logging in to the Extranet by clicking on the Moodle button in the upper menu.
The platform provides access to:
- E-learning courses for specific subjects in a given semester, including health and safety and foreign language courses.
- A repository - a collection of e-learning courses that you can subscribe by yourself. There are course manuals and additional materials related to the course. You will find a link in the top menu.
- A special course with instruction for first year students: moodle2.e-merito.pl/course/view.php?id=50275
If you have any questiions, please contact:
Detailed information on: www.merito.pl/wroclaw/moodle-platforma-do-elearningu
VDI - Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
VDI (virtual Desktop Infrastructure) is a solution that enables remote use of the full resources of our computer laboratories. This means that students can take part in online lab classes and pursue a curriculum where they can remotely learn to work in advanced ICT environments and specialized software - according to their chosen field of study. We provide virtual laboratories based on VMware VDI technology to conduct online classes. For use by students and teachers there are 1000 virtual computer workstations divided into appropriate groups enabling them to conduct classes in different specialties. Virtual machines are grouped into pools and have appropriate performance parameteres depending on the needs of individual applications.
Access to virtual laboratories is possible from the browser level.
- Go to: vlabs.wsb.wroclaw.pl
- Log into a student's account using details as follows:
User's name: vdi-student
Password: Pa$$w0rd - Select an appropriate profile - environment which you are going to ouse in classes.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact: vdilabs@wsb.wroclaw.pl
Detailed information on: www.merito.pl/english/wroclaw/vdi-virtual-desktop-infrastructure
Library's electronic resources
In the WSB Merito library, you will find over 2000 titles! Our electronic resources give access to:
- 2 online book platforms (Ibuk Libra and Nasbi)
- databases such as: legal (LEX and Legalis), financial and accounting (Inforlex) and others.
More information can be found on the library's website and on its Facebook profile: @bibliotekawsbwro
Remote work of the WSB Merito departments
If it is necessary to teach remotely and in accordance with the applicable law regarding limitation of University activities do not worry as the University departments are available for Students and work remotely. Contacts and working hours of the Dean's Office, the Library and other departments are always available on the Extranet.
First payment
Each WSB Merito student receives a personal bank account number to pay tuition fees. The account number, subsequent payment dates and the amount of tuition fees can be found on the Extranet under "My profile -> Payments and Deposits" and on the Extranet in English: "My profiles -> Fees and payments"
The deadline for the first instalment of the tuition fee and for the student's ID card is 30 September 2024. - regardless of the fee system chosen.
Make two separate transfers:
• the first tuition fee payment - "tuition fee" account
• fee for a student's ID card PLN 22 - account named "other".
In the title of the transfer, please provide your first and last name and address of the person enrolled for the studies with the following note: undergraduate/graduate/one-tier MA studies (depending on the type of studies).
You will find the amount of tuition fees in the educational agreement signed, as well as on the Extranet after receiving access.
Need more information about fees and payments?
Contact our Student Financial Service Office - see how we can help you:
Picking up an agreement
If you have not picked up your agreement, you are welcome to come over the Admissions Office to do so by the end of the admissions period.
VAT invoices
Invoice application forms are available at www.merito.pl/wroclaw, tab "Studia i szkolenia". Select your studies and then the Admissions Rules tab in the "Order an invoice" section and in the English language Extranet in the "Student's financial services department -> General information -> Useful documents tab"
The completed order for an invoice can be sent in the form of a scan to the following e-mail address: kwestura@wsb.wroclaw.pl, by letter, in person or by fax: to the number 71 356 16 32. Information on how to issue an invoice can be obtained by calling 71 356 16 58.
Foreigners are obliged to provide their mailing address in Poland
We would like to remind you about the obligatory indication of your place of residence in Poland. The appropriate form should be submitted to the Admission Office for Foreigners and the English Language Studies, building A, room 102, e-mail: studyinenglish@wsb.wroclaw.pl
Undergraduate studies
From the 1st of October, you may request certificates confirming a student's status from the Dean's Office.
The Dean's Office for Bachelor and engineering studies is located in the building G, Fabryczna Street 14G, 1st floor, room 128.
Contact: e-mail: dziekanat.lic@wroclaw.merito.pl , phone 71 356 16 13 or 71 356 16 14
Enrolment in administrative groups will take place via Extranet. Details will be given in mid-September at www.merito.pl/wroclaw/strefa-studenta/dla-nowych-studentow.
Every student must enrol in the group. Individuals who do not sign up on their own will be assigned to the groups based on the Dean's decision.
Students in English-speaking specialties (Business Administration, Software Development) will be automatically assigned to the groups, and information will be found on the Extranet (in the English-speaking Extranet under "My profile -> About me").
Students cards will be issued at the Dean's Office not earlier than October 1. Take your photo ID with you to pick up your card.
In the first term of your studies you can get from 50 to 100% promotion in tuition. Our University appreciates people with high scores on the secondary school certificate, professional exams, and also supports orphanages and foster families by granting discounts from the University's own funds. Detailed information can be found in the promotion's regulations and downloadable forms can be found on www.merito.pl/wroclaw/studia-i-szkolenia/studia-i-stopnia/stypendia-i-znizki. In order to obtain the discount, a relevant application must be submitted by the end of the enrolment process and a document entitling to the discount must be presented to the Admissions Office for inspection.
Contact: phone 71376 23 26 or 71 376 23 38, e-mail: dofs@wroclaw.merito.pl
Student Financial Service Department for Persons with Disabilities is located at the building G, Fabryczna Street 14G, 1st floor, room 132.
If you want to apply for scholarships or discounts, submit your application together with the required documents to the Student Financial Services Department.
In the course of studies each student is required to complete 6 months of student traineeship.
The Career Office is responsible for the internship organization process.
phone 71 376 23 28, e-mail biuro.karier@wroclaw.merito.pl
Detailed information on the rules of recognizing traineeships and the necessary documentation are available in the Extranet in the "Student internship" tab.
Graduate studies and one-tier MA studies
Enrolment in groups will take place via Extranet. Details will be given in mid-September at www.merito.pl/wroclaw/strefa-studenta/dla-nowych-studentow.
Every student must enrol in the group. Individuals who do not sign up on their own will be assigned to the groups based on the Dean's decision.
Students in English-speaking specialty International Management will be automatically assigned to the groups, and information will be found on the Extranet (in the English-speaking Extranet under "My profile -> About me").
The cards will be issued at the Dean's Office not earlier than October 1st . Take your photo ID with you to pick up your card. Student’s cards held by WSB Merito graduates remain valid until the end of November, information about their extension will be available under the Dean’s office tab on the Extranet.
In case you are interested in applying for other grants i.e. maintenance grants, allowances or discounts, please contact the Student Financial Service Department for persons with disabilities in the Office for Persons with Disabilities. Following September, 20, you will find the information in the Extranet: "Scholarships and discounts" -> Scholarship Guide", and in the English version Extranet in the tabs "Student's Financial Services Department"->"Scholarship", and the scholarship forms are available for donwload in "Student's Financial Services Department" -> "General information" -> "Useful documents".
Application and the required documents have to be submitted at the Student's Financial Service Department by the 7th of November, 2021, phone: 71 376 23 26 or 71 376 23 38, dofs@wsb.wroclaw.pl
Student's Financial Service Department is located in the building G, Fabryczna Street 14G, 1st floor, room 132.
If you are studying law - one-tier MA studies in WSB Merito in Wrocław, in the first semester of your studies, you can get from 50 to 100% promotion in tuition fees. Detailed information and downloadable forms can be found on:
www.merito.pl/wroclaw/studia-i-szkolenia/studia-jednolite-magisterskie/…. In order to obtain the discount, a relevant application must be submitted by the end of the enrollment and a document entitling to the discount must be presented to the Admission Office for inspection.
If you have submitted a viva voce certificate upon enrolment, remember to deliver your diploma to the Admission Office as soon as possible in the form of 2 photocopies. The absolute deadline for delivery is 16th October 2024.
Starter kits - materials constituting a collection of basic knowledge in a given field extremely needed and useful for people who have completed another field of study of at undergraduate studies. Thanks to these materials you can start your graduate studies in a different field.
The starter kits have been prepared in the form of multimedia courses in cooperation with course managers:
Details at www.merito.pl/wroclaw/studia-i-szkolenia/studia-ii-stopnia/pakiety-startowe.
and on Moodle:
Finance and accounting: moodle2.e-merito.pl/course/view.php?id=4874
Logistics: moodle2.e-merito.pl/course/view.php?id=4979
Tourism and leisure: moodle2.e-merito.pl/course/view.php?id=5063
Management: moodle2.e-merito.pl/course/view.php?id=5136
If you graduated from the WSB Merito University of Wrocław in June 2021 and have a student ID card, you can extend it at the Dean's Office of Master's Studies in order not to incur the costs of issuing a new ID card (applies to the Faculty of Finance and Management in Wrocław).
Graduates of WSB Merito University in Wrocław keep their student's file numbers and the same individual bank account number and make a payment there.
Graduates of the Faculty of Economics in Opole (also Student Auditors) keep their album number, however, their individual accounts will change, account numbers will be available for checking on the Extranet.
Graduates of the Faculty of Economics of the WSB Merito in Opole will be prepared new student ID cards.
Please, make payment for the student ID card.
Confirmation of a student's status
From the 1st of October, you may request certificates confirming a student's status from the Dean's Office.
Dean's Office for Undergraduate Studies
Building G, room 127
e-mail: dziekanat.lic@wroclaw.merito.pl
phone nr: 71 356 16 13, 71 356 16 14
Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and one-tier MA Studies
Building G, room 229
e-mail: dziekanat.mgr@wroclaw.merito.pl
phone nr: 71 356 16 17, 71 376 23 93