What kind of university are we now?
We focus on the synergy between the new university category as well as the opportunities it offers and our experience in teaching practical knowledge and cooperation with the public. We are an entrepreneurial university, and the student and their needs are invariably of paramount importance to us.

Practical and friendly
Our values have remained unchanged for years.
They are the foundation on which we have built WSB Merito's success – practicality and friendliness.
We are a university where we teach practically.
We identify and create new opportunities for development through continuous cooperation with the public.
Our curricula address current labour market trends.
We consult them with the Business Council, representatives of particular industries, thus responding to the needs of employers.
We create a space for sharing experience, skills and knowledge between students, experts (lecturers) and business.
We are open to change, both in terms of the ways in which we teach, and in terms of shaping a friendly environment.
We focus on the relevance of the knowledge and skills we teach.
We cooperate with many business partners. Our students have the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice.
We use innovative teaching methods.
We use the latest technological solutions available (laboratories, specialised software, business games and simulations).
Our priority is to foster a friendly environment conducive to combining work with study and development.
We provide education in such a way that combining work and study is possible not only on part-time, post-diploma programmes, but also on full-time programmes in all educational profiles.
We take care of the good organisation of studies and administrative services.
We help students to deal with all the formalities efficiently. We offer hybrid, traditional or online programmes of study.
Our students and staff treat each other as partners.
Our expert lecturers, staff and students can share their experience.
We offer a broad education profile with many programmes of study from various industries.
We are open to change.
We listen and respond to the needs of our students, graduates, employees and the companies we work with by systematically conducting satisfaction surveys.
The new name Merito
We were looking for a name that would express our values and our wide range of activities. For a long time now, we have offered much more than just banking-related study courses.
The name refers in meaning to the Polish word “meritum” – essence, which evokes the pragmatism and effective performance – the qualities that perfectly distinguish our universities.