WSB Merito people
Our University is, above all, made up of people who work or study here. It is their enthusiasm, energy and dedication that get things going and make everyone enjoy being here. Whether you are a student, a member of faculty or administrative personnel, be sure that the welcoming atmosphere and the friendly attitudes all around you will make you spread your wings and learn to fly.
Management Board and Deans
Rector, Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Deans, and Vice Deans. They keep smiling and are always willing to help. They are the ones who make sure that the University works fine at all times, wins top places in prestigious contests and rankings, and fosters excellent relationships with employers. They approve study programs and make decisions on key investments.
They are partners, counsels, and mentors. Some of them will be remembered for a lifetime, because they have become true life coaches, guiding students’ careers and influencing personal development paths. Helpful and outgoing, but often firm and demanding, too. They know that the effort you put into studying for your exams will produce benefits in your future private and professional life. Far from arrogant, they always keep their minds open.
They are thousands of people from across Poland. Enterprising, high-flying, ambitious individuals. With diverse visions of their future lives, they have traveled their life-forming educational paths with us. It is here, at the WSB Merito University, that their life goals evolved, their outlooks matured, and their professional careers were forged. Now they keep coming back to revive their memories and tell us their stories. Some of them join our faculty to share their expertise and experience with new generations of students. We are so proud of all of them!
This is the largest and most diverse group. It is them that get the authorities and the faculty going. They make the campus a colorful and noisy place. Their energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and each of them embodies an interesting story and a potential to discover, each is a unique individual and someone to learn from. It is for them, or thanks to them, that the faculty keep working on new solutions to problems, inventing new approaches to instruction, writing books, and hoarding experiences to share. It is the students’ involvement, their success and failure stories, and their passions, that energize the University’s walls and contribute to the making of its exceptional ambience.
Administrative personnel
They are always there, working hard behind the scenes: service staff. The good guys, true heroes cast in supporting roles. You will find them nearly everywhere, whether it is the Registrar’s, the Careers Office, the Library, the canteen, or the cloakroom. They are the busy ones in front and back offices who make sure that every small detail clicks in its place. Who see that things happen – everything that needs to happen to give you a good education and a pleasurable study experience. We owe it to their effort that the University shows up at educational fairs, our library collection has been expanding all the time, the hardware and software in the computer labs is working, and lights are on in the restrooms. And, last but not least, their quiet presence means that there is somewhere to leave your coats and stuff.
Why study at a WSB Merito University?