The Council of the Polish–American Fulbright Commission has nominated dr Barbara Muszyńska for a Fulbright Senior Award 2021–2022 scholarship for the implementation of a 5-month research project at Texas Woman’s University in the US. Thus, dr Barbara Muszyńska joins the group of the prestigious international community of Fulbright scholarship holders.

The Fulbright Senior Award is a program enabling employees of Polish academic and scientific institutions to carry out independent research or research-and-teaching projects in host institutions in the US. During the stay in the US, the scholarship holder carries out his own research and/or teaching project at an American university, research institute, government institution or non-governmental organization. Apart from carrying out a research project, scholarship holders may also conduct classes.

The topic of the research project is: How do mainstream curricula address the nature of minority cultural diversity?

that would allow curriculum planners to fully explain the pedagogical thinking underlying the planning of different school curriculum models relating to the nature of cultural diversity of national minorities and migrant learners. Secondly, to internationalize research into curricula. The school curriculum and education should involve the inclusion of otherness and conflicting voices, thus providing opportunities for critical reflection. This can be successfully achieved in an international work environment.

Dr Barbara Muszyńska, doctor of humanities (Universidad de Córdoba). Her research-and-teaching as well as research-and-development activities at the University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław aim to combine various methods of teaching subjects and foreign languages in the context of bilingual and multilingual education in order to develop new forms of cross-curricular education.

Recently, the first compendium for teachers using CLIL in bilingual education has been published on the Polish market, entitled Zintegrowane kształcenie przedmiotowo-językowe. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) (Barbara Muszyńska, Katarzyna Papaja, PWN 2019). Dr Muszyńska is also the author of two English language teaching programs, entitled SOFT-CLIL Język Angielski I etap edukacyjny and II etap edukacyjny, which are available on the website of the Education Development Center (ORE 2019). She is also an accredited Cambridge examiner for oral examinations and Pearson examiner for PTE General examinations. She is the co-author of the Footprints language course for children, published by Pearson. She is also a passionate creator of educational materials (ELT) for Macmillan Publishing.

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