In February 2021, the Coordinator of Management and Quality Sciences at the Research Federation of WSB & DSW Universities, dr hab. Jacek Borzyszkowski, prof. WSB, became a member of the Council of Tourism Experts.

Doctor of economic sciences, specialist in the field of tourism organization and management, dealing with problems related to the development of tourism and marketing activities in local government units, as well as issues of public–private cooperation for the development of tourism. For more than ten years, he has been cooperating with local government units and representatives of the broadly understood tourism industry, i.a. providing training and consultation services. He is also the author or co-author of a number of expert opinions and planning and strategic documents related to the development of tourism.

Professor Jacek Borzyszkowski is one of 20 scientists, activists, local government officials and tourist entrepreneurs who make up the Council of Experts.

The Council of Tourism Experts, established by the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology, is to initiate activities for the sustainable development of tourism, ensure the competitiveness of the Polish offer on the international market, and create innovative tourism products, in particular by strengthening social activity and entrepreneurship in the tourism sector. The Council will be an auxiliary body of the Minister responsible for tourism.

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