The research employees of the Research Federation of WSB & DSW Universities are involved in numerous scientific grants and projects centred around social and economic issues.
Selected scientific projects
YEES (Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Support) - funded by the Spanish National Agency for the Erasmus+ programme in order to support the cooperation between the systems of professional education and the world of work (cooperation with participants from Spain, Italy and Portugal).
“Upskilling Pathways for Adults through ICT and Social Media” - the project resulted in the creation of an educational package testes by teachers and trainers in order for them to learn to use the full potential of ICT and social media to establish new e-enterprises increasing their participation in the modern, flexible and integrational labour market (cooperation with coordinators from Italy, Spain, Belgium and Portugal).
Inter-University Laboratory Project - headed by prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Piasecki with the participation of scholars from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, University of Białystok, University of Economics in Katowice, WSB University in Poznań and Białystok University of Technology. Within the Laboratory, dr Anna Łyczkowska-Hanćkowiak (WSB Poznań) conducts research into the analysis of the risk of imprecision of financial and economic decisions. Additionally, as part of one of the projects realised by this team, she is a guest publisher of a special issue of “Advanced Methods in Mathematical Finance” published by the “Mathematics” journal (ISSN 2227-7390; IF 1,105; Q1). Full description of the activities of the Laboratory may be found on: https://www.researchgate.net/lab/Krzysztof-Piasecki-Lab-2.
“Social responsibility of business and human rights” - the aim of the study is to determine how we should understand the standard of due care of the entrepreneur in terms of respecting human rights in relation to particular industries and operational contexts. For the purposes of the preliminary study, the case law of the European Court of Justice was analysed. Seeing as the non-governmental entities appearing as parties before the Court are usually international corporations, the analysis allowed to notice certain important characteristics concerning due care required from the entrepreneur. The results of the study were presented during the Global Congress in Lucerne (Switzerland).
“International business finance” – the project was realised in 2017–2018 and concerned the changes in international corporate finance management due to globalisation and the global financial crisis of 2008–2009. The results of the study were presented in a monograph on international business finance (“Finanse biznesu międzynarodowego”) published by the WSB University in Poznań and in a number of papers in scientific journals.
Wittgenstein and democratic politics – the aim of the project was the analysis of and critical reflection on contemporary democracy from the point of view of the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. The main research question is: To what extent a political thought inspired by Wittgenstein’s philosophy could constitute an alternative for liberal and conservative concepts which dominate in today’s understanding of politics? The authors of the project share the belief that the current global crisis of democracy is a reflection of the inadequacy of its traditional conceptualisation. This situation requires us to think over the foundations of our thinking about liberal democracy in order to resist the increasing risk of dominance of nationalistic, populist and exclusionary tendencies in the European and global politics. The project is international and based on the cooperation of three partners: prof. Lotar Rasiński (University of Lower Silesia), prof. Thomas Wallgren (Helsinki University, Finland – the Archive of von Wright and Wittgenstein) and prof. Alois Pichler (Bergen University, Norway – the Wittgenstein Archive). The will work together to, i.a., organise three seminars (Helsinki, Bergen, Wrocław) with the participation of international experts and publish a monograph in an acknowledged international publishing house.