About University
WSB University in Warsaw was founded in 2019. We have been intensively developing and constantly improving our offer to best respond to the requirements of the employers in Warsaw.
Our activities have been based on partner relations. We cooperate with business representatives. Thus, during the classes, the students can take advantage of our partners' experience, take part in internships, traineeships, study visits in companies as well as foreign trips.

Do you want to learn more?
Read about Poland and WSB Merito University in our guide - available for download here.
This guide will help you start your student life. We believe that lectures and classes are like journeys to unknown lands. Our lecturers are of the opinion that there are no wrong paths, no silly questions or bad ideas, as long as they lead to knowing and experiencing. They are eager to assists you and support you in exploring new issues and new areas, no matter how difficult and complicated they might be.

As a provider of quality business education, we make every effort to enable you to:
- blend knowledge from different domains and apply it in the workplace
- select a degree program that will provide you with relevant and immediately applicable skills, e.g. in running a business of your own
- meet field experts – because we strongly promote networking and experience sharing among students and teachers
- interact with accomplished representatives of the business community, including the region’s leading companies; their involvement in classroom teaching stands for direct transfer of know-how and compelling case studies
- use the support of our Career and Internship Office in finding a job, and arranging a work placement, traineeship or internship
- develop and upgrade your skill level in such areas as career planning, interpersonal communication, data analysis, project coordination, critical thinking, creative thinking, etc.
- influence our study programs and the organization of our administrative services, because we do want to hear what you think of us: we regularly survey our students’ satisfaction and keep track of alumni careers
We are innovative, friendly, and practical:
Our mission is: We help change your world – innovative, friendly, practical.
While adhering to our mission we apply state of the art teaching methods:
- we put emphasis on practical teaching methods and innovativeness; we use modern technologies in the teaching process
- we verify knowledge and skills acquired in different courses through group projects, presentations, and activities that lead to the development of social competencies
- among various modes of content delivery are business simulations that help our students apply their knowledge and skills in practice.
If you choose our WSB Merito University, you will: