Erasmus +
Under the Erasmus+ exchange program, WSB Merito students can study or do a work placement abroad.
Erasmus+ is an EU mobility program for education, training, youth and sport. Its budget amounts to €26.2 billion. The 2021-2027 program places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life. It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. It brings opportunities to people of all ages, enabling them to learn and share experiences at host institutions throughout and beyond Europe. In the first place, it allows students to spend a semester or do a practical placement in another European state during their time at university.
You can find more about Erasmus+ by visiting its page.
To be eligible for student mobility under Erasmus+, you must have completed the first year of study at a university participating in the program. The best thing about the program is that you do not have to pay any additional tuition fees at the host university. Another great feature of Erasmus+ is that you can get grant money to help you cover the cost of living while studying or doing a work placement in a foreign country.

Erasmus Policy Statement
Strategy and objectives
Our Erasmus Policy Statement covers the following activities:
1. Erasmus Key Action 1 (KA1) - Learning mobility: The mobility of higher education students and staff
2. Erasmus Key Action 2 (KA2) - Cooperation among organizations and institutions: Partnerships for Cooperation and exchanges of practices
By participating in the Erasmus+ program WSB Merito University in Poznań aims to increases not only the number of international students, faculty members, and administrative staff but also makes it possible for its own students, and staff to go abroad and gain competencies and skills that would be difficult to gain in the home institution. By participating in the Erasmus+ program we aim to create an international experience for staff and students, increase cross-cultural awareness and diversity, build environment-friendly awareness, shape civic engagement attitudes, and prepare staff and students for a global future. To achieve these aims we have developed a set of more specific objectives.
By participating in Erasmus+ we intend to:
1) Promote sustainable development for education that covers diversity, intercultural awareness, tolerance, social responsibility and ethics
2) Increase availability of highly qualified manpower equipped with digital, intercultural and multilingual skills
3) Provide access to quality higher education by collaborating with foreign partners whose academic profiles are compatible with ours and who, if possible, have international accreditations
4) Improve skills and competencies of students and staff through mobility schemes to increase their employability
5) Strengthen cooperation between higher education institutions and business partners
6) Enhance the internationalization at home
7) Develop programs and curricula with participating institutions, which is an initial step towards a European Education Area
8) Enable students and staff to benefit linguistically, culturally and professionally from a different environment
9) Further develop towards a higher education institution that is perceived as international, innovative, modern and socially responsible
10) Benefit from practices, policies and management processes of partner institutions so that we can modernize and innovate our own practices, policies, management and teaching
11) Establish new professional contacts that will help develop joint projects
Quality of Mobilities
WSB Merito University in Warszawa's commitment to automatic recognition of a higher education qualification and learning outcomes from a mobility period is reflected in its adherence to the Bologna Process principles and European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. We have been successfully using these principles and ECTS for many years now. For a student to complete one academic year they have to gain 60 ECTS credits. The number of credits for each course is calculated on the basis of the student’s workload defined by classroom work (contact hours) and own work (outside the classroom). In the case of mobility with institutions that do not use the ECTS system WSB Merito has guidelines of transferring credits into ECTS credits. We are committed and intend to automatically and fully recognize a student’s learning outcomes from a mobility period at a partner university as agreed beforehand in a learning agreement and confirmed in the Transcript of Records.

We intend to have in place the following elements:
1. a course catalogue on the website,
2. a learning agreement (for studies and work placements), signed by three parties (sending institution, receiving institution, student) before the start of mobility;
3. a Transcript of Records indicating the number of credits earned and grades achieved; in the case of work placements a Transcript of Work
4. a proof that the work abroad has been recognized as outlined in the learning agreement.
The procedure for full recognition of credits is as follows:
1 Before mobility a student completes a Learning Agreement with a list of courses and ECTS to be realized at a partner institution.
2. The Learning Agreement is approved by the Vice Dean responsible for recognizing learning outcomes.
3. In the event a student changes his/her Learning Agreement during mobility the Vice Dean is notified of the changes and approves of them.
4. A student completes his/her mobility period.
5. The Registrar’s Office receives the Transcript of Records of a student on the basis of which automatically recognizes his/her credits and learning outcomes.
6. If a student fails to achieve learning outcomes and credits as agreed beforehand in a learning agreement then the Vice Dean will request that a student should make up for missing credits in due time without having to repeat a semester.
We intend to promote the Erasmus+ Program activities on our Polish webpage and English webpage. Apart from that we intend to use the following methods to promote the activities:
- posting information and articles on the Extranet,
- using social media for sharing information and updates on the ongoing and completed activities,
- publishing articles in student magazines,
- sharing the experience with business partners and local authorities,
- giving presentations at conferences,
- providing information on the Erasmus activities in surveys/questionnaires compiled for different governmental and nongovernmental agencies,
- informative meetings for staff and students at WSB Merito,
- exhibitions,
- EU dissemination platforms,
- local press,
- professional networks: teaching associations, accrediting associations, professional associations, etc….
- thematic seminars.
By using various methods we plan to reach out to multiple stakeholders (internal and external).