Master's degree for graduates of all fields of study

Master's degree
It takes two years (4 semesters) to complete a master’s degree program. To complete a program you have to defend your master’s thesis.

Upon completion of the program you are awarded a master’s degree. A master’s degree has a real impact on your salary in the future, therefore it is worth investing in further education.
Transfer to WSB Merito University
Are you a student - but your studies are not exactly what you expected? Are you considering changing universities? Or maybe the field of study that you originally chose was not your best shot? Try again and become a student of WSB Merito University!"
Transferring from another university
Regardless of which field of study and at which university you have been studying, this offer is for you. Remember that it is possible to be accepted for a semester higher than the first semester if the field of study you want to transfer to is compatible with the field of study you are currently studying.

The transfer process - step by step
- Submit an application to our Admissions Office.
- Attach the list of grades and subjects certified by the university, containing information about the subjects you have completed (including the number of hours of classes, forms of classes, forms of credit, ECTS points) and periods of study. The list of grades and subjects in the semester format should contain information on how many semesters / years of study you have completed.
- The decision on the transfer is made by the Dean. It determines the semester/year of studies to which you can transfer, determines the subjects that should be completed and defines the date of their completion.
- After the Dean's positive decision, the Admissions Office will contact you with a request to provide a complete set of recruitment documents.
- After receiving the consent to transfer, you will be paying the tuition fee in accordance with the applicable fee regulations for a given year.