Incoming Students
If you are interested to participate in the Erasmus+ Program and study at WSB Merito University in Warsaw please contact the International Relations Office at your own university first. They will inform you of the necessary steps and the application procedure that you have to go through at your home university.
It is important that your university and WSB Merito Warsaw are partners and they have signed agreement on academic mobility within the Erasmus + Programme. Your Erasmus + coordinator would let you know if our universities are in partnership.

How to apply
- We should first receive a message of Official Nomination from your home institution stating that you have been selected.
- Then you are requested to complete:
- Application Form,
- Learning Agreement based on subjects selected from our study program and signed by two representatives at your home university (departmental and institutional coordinators) and stamped with the university seal,
- Transcript of Records (in English only) which details all your home university results prior applying for study abroad.
The above documents should be submitted to the International Relations Office (IRO) at WSB Merito Warsaw
After receiving the Acceptance Letter sent by our IRO the following documents should be sent to Warsaw by e-mail:
- Application Form signed and stamped,
- Learning Agreement (in English) signed and stamped,
- Transcript of Records (in English) signed and stamped,
- 1 passport size photo,( send the photo by post - to be used in your student's ID)
- copy of ID card or Passport,
- copy of EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) or/and private insurance
- The original documents have to be submitted to International Relations Office upon your arrival to WSB Merito University in Warsaw